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Retired Members Information: REHP Drug Plan - Medicare Eligible Members

Administered by SilverScript® Insurance Company (effective January 1, 2013)


  • Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan
  • Three-Tier Copayment Plan - Generic, Preferred Drugs and Non-Preferred Drugs
  • Retail Prescriptions (up to 30-day supply) - Generic drug: $12; Preferred brand-name drug: $30, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists; Non-preferred brand-name drug: $60, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists
  • Retail Maintainence at CVS Pharmacy and Mail Order - Generic drug: $18; Preferred brand-name drug: $45, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists; Non-preferred brand-name drug: $90, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists
  • Non-Preferred Retail Network (up to a 90-day supply) - Generic drug: $24; Preferred brand-name drug: $60, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists; Non-preferred brand-name drug: $120, plus the cost difference between the brand and the generic, if one exists

If you use a pharmacy that does not participate in the SilverScript network, you pay the full cost of your prescription. You must then file a claim with SilverScript in order to receive reimbursement.

To find out if your pharmacy participates with SilverScript, call your pharmacy or contact SilverScript at 1-866-329-2088 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). TTY: e 711.

For Copayment Information, log on to the SilverScript Web Site: More information on the Prescription Drug Plan for Medicare Members appears under the Publications/Forms section of this Web Site.

Medicare Prescription Payment Plan

In 2025, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is requiring all Medicare Part D (drug) plans to offer a new program called the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. This program is required for all Medicare Part D programs and is not exclusive to the Retired Employees Health Program (REHP).

Under this program, you will not pay a copay when you pick up your prescriptions(s) at the pharmacy. Instead, the amount you owe for those copays will be billed to you monthly for the remainder of the year. It is important to understand that as you fill prescriptions each month, the amount you will owe to SilverScript will increase each month. Because our copays under the REHP prescription drug plan are low, you may not be interested in this payment plan.

Enrollment begins October 15, 2024, for any prescriptions filled after January 1, 2025. You may also enroll in the program anytime between January 2025 and November 2025.

For more information, click here

To review the Prescription Drug Formulary and other prescription drug related forms and publications, click here.


For more information, refer to your REHP Benefits Handbook or contact PEBTF.